Written by Dawn Paley Wednesday
Argentine prosecutor learns the fine art of bending over backwards to apologize to the US: http://bit.ly/hT3z9f #cablegate
Private sector perspectives on Lula’s presidency circa 2006. Summary: Audible sighs of relief: http://bit.ly/fJmKkd #cablegate
US weapons and training essential to the war in Colombia: http://bit.ly/h3ikoh #cablegate
Gov’t of #Colombia has to use the media to “talk” with the FARC: http://bit.ly/gHNVqi #cablegate
USG operationalized Colombian intel & GOC executed USG plans in 70% of 29 guerrilla takedowns in 05-06: http://bit.ly/eAoAfw #cablegate
Colombia, 2003: AUC founder Carlos Castraña gives a recipe for the “Bacrim” that today haunt the country: http://bit.ly/dFNjDh #cablegate
Colombian gov’t rotten to the core with paramilitary & narco ties, USG willing to believe it’s just gossip: http://bit.ly/enISON #cablegate
Canadian company Canwest involved in sale of helicopters from Israel to paramilitaries in Colombia: http://bit.ly/edOtlh #cablegate #cdnpoli
Cable traces military helicopters from US to paramilitary warehouse in Colombia, via Israel: http://bit.ly/edOtlh #cablegate
Uribe took drug money in campaign donations and the USG doesn’t really seem to care http://bit.ly/eg8C8h #cablegate #Colombia
US-Colombia FTA wld help major sugar producers in Valle de Cauca (aka. the Lülle family), the rest lose: http://bit.ly/f5EUBf #cablegate
Ex-Governor of Valle de Cauca, #Colombia, voted for his own party (PDA) out of loyalty, not conviction: http://bit.ly/dSFDmH #cablegate
USG concerns w/Costa Rica-China normalizing relationship: human & drug trafficking: http://bit.ly/hTwe1q #cablegate
Interesting: China had no official ties with Costa Rica. http://bit.ly/h89XW0 #cablegate
Closest thing to a UFO cable yet: Costa Rica to Construct Plasma-Propelled Space Rocket http://bit.ly/hhhPiz #cablegate
Straight up random: USG warns diplomats not to eat peanuts if they go to Costa Rica: http://bit.ly/fMnN7g #cablegate
Tico anti-DR-CAFTA flick featuring Abu Ghraib, A-bomb & Judas kissing Jesus falls “just short of libel”: http://bit.ly/hXolyu #cablegate
DR-CAFTA: US protected agricultural subsidies but Costa Rica couldn’t protect telecoms/insurance http://bit.ly/ev6Cuu #cablegate
USG throws up barriers to “free trade” in an attempt to limit Chinese exports http://bit.ly/hkbpMW #cablegate
“Legislation to open the insurance and telecommunications industries” required under DR-CAFTA http://bit.ly/hkqr6Y #cablegate
Canada-Mexico focus: cooperation & intel on migration, emergency mgmt, marine security & law enforcement http://bit.ly/gXmweB #cablegate
USG: Canada seeking to “support Calderon’s efforts to reform the police, corrections, and judicial sectors.” http://bit.ly/e5gC6e #cablegate
USG 2009: “Clearly Mexico is not an impending failed state” http://bit.ly/g8aE1S #cablegate
Monterrey casinos are ideal places to launder money, rob someone, and deal drugs. http://bit.ly/eO7ocx #cablegate
USG: Televisa grenade attack in #Monterrey may have been carried out by political mafias, not drug cartels http://bit.ly/eCAZBu #cablegate
Still surprised at how much of a client state Peru is, extradition treaty only requires “probable” cause http://bit.ly/gFfg4y #cablegate
Those pesky judges! Peruvian judiciary an “obstacle” to US getting the extraditions they want: http://bit.ly/fkRzJ7 #cablegate