Wed, Aug 10: PCASC Orientation


Wed, Aug 10th

6:30-8:00 pm

2249 E Burnside

in the garden around back

PCASC has been run for the past 32 years on the fuel of excited, skilled, and principled volunteers – people who are passionate about Latin America, immigration justice, worker rights, and stopping US intervention abroad.

Attend the PCASC Orientation to get grounded in who PCASC is, learn a little about our storied history, understand why we do what we do, get briefed on the current campaigns, and plug into this grassroots people-power organization.
PCASC is a fast moving and vibrant social movement force in Portland, the orientation will be an essential experience for new volunteers that want to explore the different ways to volunteer and become a leader in the movement. Old-timers & current activists are invited to get the updates on current campaigns and get a refresher on the values and vision of your favorite organization!
Join us – everyone welcome
RSVP to Kari at