Portland State University
Diversity and Multicultural Student Services, Multicultural Center and MEChA Present:
Latino/a Chicano/a Workshop Series
A Historical Analysis of the Causes of Immigrant Displacement and the Origins of the Term “Illegal” in the United States.
In order to understand the process of displacement and migration it is vital to gain an historical analysis of privatization, imposed structural adjustment programs and economic reforms that have created a tremendous social, economic and political gap among people in the United States and abroad. This workshop will explore free trade agreements and immigration policy, which has criminalized undocumented workers and dehumanized them with the term “illegal.”
Stand and Deliver: The film is based on a true story of a dedicated high school teacher Jaime Escalante.
Stand and Deliver describes 1976 to 1990, extraordinary years at Garfield High, a predominantly Hispanic school in the East Los Angeles barrio. Students whose academic performance had been crippled by cultural deprivation and low expectations tackled calculus. Led by teacher Jaime Escalante, they devoted afternoons, Saturdays, and vacations to extra math classes. Homework kept them up late into the night. In 1982 Garfield High students scored a breakthrough: eighteen passed the Advanced Placement test in calculus.
Latino/a Chicano/a History, Racial Formation and Contemporary Theory.
Introduction to Chicano/Latino History and its relevance to contemporary times. How does Latino identity differ from Chicano identity and why is it important in the context of identity formation, in a time of forced colorblindness and assimilation.
Cultural Identity “Cada Cabeza es un Mundo”
This workshop will consist basically in using the concepts of “Cada Cabeza Es Un Mundo” “Each Mind Is a World”.The first section, will be on self empowerment “Who am I? Where I came from, am I different from lighter or darker skinned people. Are Chicanos the same as Mexicans? The “I am Joaquin” poem by Rodolfo Corky Gonzalez, will make students aware of Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzalez with his poem Yo Soy Joaquín, Gonzales shared his new cosmological vision of the “Chicano”. There are four other sections where the workshop will cover cultural values, making decisions, sayings and proverbs, and a summation of the workshop.
Panel and Reception with Latino Community Leaders and Professionals
This is the closing reception for the series of workshops. This panel will connect students to Latino/a leaders who are working on improving our community. It is the “what’s next” after learning about our past, current issues and our reflections on the complexities of Latino/a identities.
Organizations that will be present: Portland Central America Solidarity,CAUSA, Center for Intercultural Organizing, Voz Worker Education Project, Latino Network, El Programo Hispano, Oregon Dreamers, Underserved Communities, Washington County Youth Movement and Oregon New Santuary Movement, Educate Ya and many more.
*Refreshments Provided at the Film and Reception Event.
For more information or questions please contact jdh3@pdx.edu or visit pdx.edu/mcc