
D17 Rally and March – Immigrant Rights ARE Worker Rights

This will be an opportunity to join with the Occupy movement, and send a strong message against the racist laws, policies and institutions that are systematically targeting immigrant communities, such as Secure Communities, E-verify, wage theft, free trade agreements and increased detentions and deportations.

Transnational Movement “Encachimbados” Brings Occupy Protests to El Salvador

The privileges granted to foreign companies through the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), has recently yielded a torrid legal battle in El Salvador. The Salvadoran government faces two lawsuits for a total of almost $200 million for refusing to grant permissions to companies to carry out open-pit metallic mining in several regions throughout the country.

Rachael Townsend image

Honduras Report-back and Tamale Sale

Wednesday, May 25 · 7:00pm Musicians Union Hall 325 NE 20th ave Portland, OR Portland native and PCASC-volunteer Rachael Townsand recently spent 8 months in Honduras. She will be sharing her experiences living and working with rank-file union activists and campesino organizers, who are part of the united front in Honduras struggling for true democracy …

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